Apple announced the Apple card in March last year. Huawei introduced its physical payments card last week. Now, according to a report, Google is also about to announce its physical payment card. The official name of this card is not yet known but until it is announced it can be called Google Card.
The Apple Card is a credit card, introduced by the company in partnership with MasterCard and Goldman Sachs.
In contrast, Google Card will be a debit card, which Google will offer with different banks. These will include Stanford Federal Credit Union and CITI. Google cards will be with Visa chip, but Google may later expand its reach to MasterCard.
Google Card can be used to make purchases at retail stores and will also support contactless payments. There will also be a virtual version of this card that will be used for Bluetooth mobile payments. It will also have a virtual card number, which can be used for online shopping.
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